Questions over cause of biker’s death

JEMELIA SPENCE, sister of 24-year-old Martin Spence, who died in a motorcycle crash on Piarco Road on Saturday morning, told reporters yesterday she did not believe his death was an accident.

As she and other relatives awaited the results of his autopsy, Spence said her brother was a professional biker, who had been riding motorcycles for over a decade.

She could not believe the reports she received, which said on Saturday morning at about 3 am, his motorcycle hit a culvert on the road, causing him to lose control and crash into a light pole.

“He is a stuntman. He could be drunk and still pop a wheelie up a hill. “He has been doing this too long. He is trained and he knows that if he is getting into an accident, to jump off the bike and leave it there.

“We are waiting to see what the autopsy says, because I would rather know that he died at his own hands than find out that someone knocked him down.”


She described her brother as her “favourite person.” “He was there for me the most. He never gave up on me. He is the only person who has never failed me.”

On the day he died, she could not sleep because she had a “heavy feeling” for the entire day.

“I told one of my friends I though that I was going to die, not knowing that it was my brother who would pass away. I didn’t know what the feeling was about, until his child mother (sic) called me and said he died in an accident,” Spence said.

Her brother was the father of a three-year-old, Hailey.

The autopsy yesterday at the Forensic Science Centre in St James showed he died from blunt force trauma consistent with an accident.


"Questions over cause of biker’s death"

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