Family of murder victim: ‘Vengeance is up to God’
RELATIVES of Anton Cox, a 36-year-old Trou Macaque man who was shot dead in Mango Alley, Port of Spain, said yesterday as they awaited the results of an autopsy at the Forensic Science Centre, they are leaving the entire situation in the hands of the Almighty.
“Vengeance is up to God.”
They said Cox was an underwater welder for ten years, and he had two children, ages 13 and 15.
They described him as a regular person, who enjoyed music and the occasional drink.
Relatives added that he had not been in Port of Spain for a while, and was simply visiting relatives, not knowing of the ongoing conflict between rival gangs.
They believe he was in the wrong place, at the wrong time when he was killed.
According to reports, Cox was found dead at about 3.45 pm on Saturday last, after police got reports of gunshots. The murder toll for the year now stands at 335.
"Family of murder victim: ‘Vengeance is up to God’"