Dog bones examined at Forensics

THE skeletal remains found near a children’s hospital on Sunday were taken to the Forensic Science Centre (FSC) in St James yesterday for examination.

Newsday was told pathologists confirmed the remains were those of a dog.

A pathologist at the FSC yesterday made the confirmation, after a district medical officer surmised on Sunday that the bones were possibly those of an animal.

At about 2pm on Sunday, Couva police were told a skeleton had been found near the Children’s Hospital in Couva.

Guide's Couva funeral home directors took the bones to the Forensic Science Centre in St James, where it was concluded that they were not human.


The pathologist determined they were those of a large dog, approximately four feet long.

Newsday was told the bones were taken to the FSC simply as a precaution, and as soon as it was confirmed they were animal bones, no further reports were taken and no further examinations made.

The bones were left at the FSC, where they will be disposed of properly, sources said.


"Dog bones examined at Forensics"

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