Belmont man, Randy Seebaran, shot dead

TWENTY-NINE-year-old Randy Seebaran always told his friends and family no matter what happened, he would never want to be shot. On Wednesday night, his greatest fear was realised when he was shot dead near Cadiz Road, Belmont.
Seebaran's girlfriend of three years said at the Forensic Science Centre (FSC) in St James yesterday, "We were talking about how things were going these days, and he told me, 'If is one thing that I don't want to happen to me is I never want to die from gunshots.' I know that the way he died is hurting him right now." said
Newsday was told at about 9 pm, Seebararan was awaiting an order from a small Italian restaurant on Cadiz Road when a hooded gunman shot at him several times.
Seebaran tried to run but was shot in the leg, and fell to the ground. The gunman then approached him once again and shot him several times at close range.
An autopsy at the FSC confirmed he died from multiple gunshot wounds.
Seebaran's girlfriend yesterday described him as a caring person. He was the father of three, and worked as a labourer at the Port of Spain Corporation.
"We were together for three years but we were close friends for ten," said the girlfriend, "He was always so real with me. He told me all about his life and how hard it was, and I stuck with him. I have friends who say they wish they could have the relationship that we had. He was my best friend. He was my real boy."
In a separate incident, an Arima man was found dead yesterday in bush next to his house on Mt Pleasant Road.
Sheldon Lopez was found dead at about 7am. He seemed to have suffered gunshot wounds. Police were called and they cordoned off and processed the scene.
Lopez's body was tken to the FSC, and an autopsy is expected to be done today. Police sources told Newsday Lopez was known to them for drug-related offences.
The murder toll now stands at 198 for the year.
"Belmont man, Randy Seebaran, shot dead"