Beauty and Wellness at Blind Welfare Association

THE Blind Welfare Association yesterday treated 25 to 30 of its female members (staff and clients) to a Beauty and Wellness Day at its Port of Spain office, corners Duke and Edward Street.

The day was held in commemoration of International Women’s Day, which is annually observed on March 8.

Kenneth Suratt the association’s executive officer told Newsday, “In commemoration of International Women’s Day, we wanted to treat women who were blind and visually impaired to foot spas and also make-up.”

He said this was the association’s attempt to let people and women who are blind “understand that not because you cannot see, you must not take care of yourself. You must be proud of yourself. You must be positive...”

Suratt said a similar event was held on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and “it was well received” so it was done again for International Women’s Day. He added that the association hopes to do more of this in the future.


“It was part of the welfare department of the Blind Welfare Association,” he said.

Volunteers gave of their time to do the make-up, while the yoga and wellness discussion was also done, free of charge by self-development organisation The Sage Path. The Sage Path, he added, does weekly classes with its members to encourage “healthy lifestyles.” Suratt also invited other volunteers and corporate TT “if you have a talent, whatever it maybe, come to the Blind Welfare Association and treat the women so they can share in what can be done positively.”


"Beauty and Wellness at Blind Welfare Association"

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