Tewarie: End ‘turf issue’

PUBLIC Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman Dr Bhoendradatt Tewarie yesterday declared that the “turf issue” between the TT Bureau of Standards (TTBS) and the Health Ministry’s Food and Drugs Division, must end. Tewarie expressed this view during a public hearing the TTBD, Trade and Industry Ministry and the PAC, at Tower D of the Port of Spain International Waterfront Centre.

TTBS chairman Lawford Dupres said the Bureau’s primary focus is in the area of quality. He explained the TTBS creates voluntary and mandatory standards aimed to protect citizens with respect to the quality of goods imported into TT. However Dupres said the Food and Drugs Divison has responsibilities for food and drugs imported into the country.

When Tewarie asked if this created a level of disjointedness for the maintenance of standards for imports, Trade and Industry Ministry Permanent Secretary Norris Herbert said there has been a “turf issue” between TTBS and Food and Drugs.


"Tewarie: End ‘turf issue’"

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