Teens arrested for Oropune murder

The eight-year-old boy orphaned last Thursday when his father was gunned down, may have lost his father at the hands of two teenaged boys. Police said the boys, 15 and 16, are in custody for the murder of Francis Stafford who was killed near his home in Oropune Gardens, Piarco.
They were arrested by police the same night Stafford was killed, after relatives told officers about threats he received from gang members in the weeks leading up to his demise. The teens are assisting with the investigation and no charges have been laid as yet.
Reports indicate that Stafford was sitting near his apartment on Building 19, with a friend, when a woman told them she could not get into her apartment. Stafford and the other man went to the apartment to help and, while they were there, two gunmen approached and began shooting. Stafford ran, but was chased and shot several times.
The woman was grazed by a bullet but she and Stafford’s friend escaped. Stafford’s relatives assured yesterday that his orphaned son is in a safe and stable family environment and will be looked after.
“He is in good hands,” said a relative who gave her name as Marjorie. “He is holding up better than most of us in the family. I am just trying to hold up so that everything would keep together. His father was just a good man trying to take care of his family.” Relatives are making final arrangements for Stafford’s funeral.
"Teens arrested for Oropune murder"