Judge: Trial to proceed with or without ‘Sparrow’

The Mighty Sparrow
The Mighty Sparrow

Justice Frank Seepersad says a land dispute trial between Calypso icon Slinger “The Mighty Sparrow” Francisco and a Diego Martin woman will proceed whether the “birdie” attends court nor not. Hearing of the lawsuit came up before the judge at the Hall of Justice, Port of Spain, yesterday, when Seepersad was informed by Francisco’s lawyer that he was ill and could not make it to court. Seepersad has set December 12 for a status hearing, after which new trial dates will be confirmed.

In the lawsuit, Francisco took Sharon Toussaint to court over, what he claims is, an unlawful erection of a galvanised metal fence by her along the perimeter of a parcel of land belonging to him at Lot 12, Bird Street, Union Road in Four Roads, Diego Martin. Toussaint claims in the lawsuit that the property is not Francisco’s since he gave it to her father Vivian Herbert, by deed of gift in March 1989.

She is also claiming, in her defence, that the deed inadvertently described the gifted property as Lot 4, which is occupied by another resident, instead of Lot 12.


"Judge: Trial to proceed with or without ‘Sparrow’"

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