Mark: UNC elections in order

Opposition Senator Wade Mark yesterday said the decision of the UNC’s national executive (Natex) to hold internal elections, including for the post of political leader, is being done so in accordance with provisions of the party’s constitution.
Mark, a founding member of the UNC, who was also its chairman and one of three deputy political leaders, said in a press release , “I can state without any fear of contradiction that the decision of the Natex led by political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar with respect to the holding of elections for officers of the party’s Natex is indeed correct.
“The internal elections announced by the National Executive on October 20, fall squarely within the provisions of the party’s constitution.” Recently, MP for Chaguanas West Ganga Singh took issue with the internal elections saying the post of political leader is not due to be contested for another year and a decision to hold the election is against Section 18 of the party’s constitution which spells out that the political leader holds office for three years.
Singh has written a letter to UNC General Secretary Dave Tancoo seeking answers on why the election for the post of political leader has been brought forward. The internal elections have been set for November 26.
But Mark said it was “factually inaccurate” to state there are no provisions in the UNC constitution to allow for an election before the constitutionally due date. “There are in fact provisions in the UNC constitution to allow, likewise, the holding of elections before the constitutionally due date,” Mark said in his release.
He said it was important to recognise the UNC is as strong as it has ever been, which has been demonstrated by the resolve and effort of party officers, activists and members who have been helping victims in the recent flooding disaster, as team UNC.
Mark said that he fully supports political leader Persad-Bissessar for her “bold and democratic decision”, to face the membership of the party in order to gain a fresh mandate as the party prepares for the next general election.
"Mark: UNC elections in order"