AG rejects Ramdeen’s corruption claims

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi
Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi

Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi on Wednesday dismissed claims from Opposition Senator Gerald Ramdeen that Government took $6.1 billion in dividends from Trinidad Generation Unlimited (TGU). Al-Rawi was in the Senate to respond to allegations made by Ramdeen during the budget debate. In his contribution, Ramdeen also claimed Cabinet approved the sale of 40 per cent of TGU to German company Ferrostaal in May 25. He vowed any attempt to sell TGU would be legally challenged, “at every single stage.” Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley has previously said no decision has been taken to sell TGU.

Al-Rawi said the combined total in dividends received from TGU and another entity was $500 million and not $6.1 billion.

He also said Government received US$500 million in debt repayment from TGU. Al-Rawi said it was irresponsible and an indictment to confuse dividends with debt repayment.

Reiterating the former People’s Partnership (PP) government took $16 billion in dividends from the National Gas Corporation and not $12 billion as Ramdeen maintained, Al-Rawi said it was wrong for the Opposition to say this money was spent on the people of TT.

He said the expenditure Ramdeen mentioned included the controversial $1 billion Beetham Wastewater Treatment plant, which the country cannot use.


In contrast, Al-Rawi said the Brian Lara Stadium in Tarouba is operational and Petrotrin’s former World Gas to Liquids plant is, “well on its way to utilisation now.”


"AG rejects Ramdeen’s corruption claims"

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