Elias in Dominica

Local contractor Emile Elias’ NH International (Caribbean) Limited (NH) is in Dominica providing assistance after the destructive passage of Hurricane Maria.
NH is at present engaged in the construction of the Kempinski Hotel in the Portsmouth area, which took a battering by the hurricane.
Dominica was the first island hit by the full category-five force of Hurricane Maria which destroyed homes, cut power lines and running water.
A statement from NH said the company was forced to evacuate its staff from the island and remove them to St Lucia. NH said it also assisted in the evacuation of other OECS nationals from St Vincent,
Grenada and St. Lucia, one being a member of the Dominican Judiciary. The evacuees were transported by boat over a five-day period.
The company also accepted the responsibility to cater to the needs of the community of Calibishe where most of the Dominican workers on the hotel project reside. A second shipment with more food items, toiletries and over-the-counter drugs was scheduled to arrive in Dominica yesterday.
"Elias in Dominica"