Upgrade at Maracas Beach
People visiting Maracas bay will have to use temporary washroom facilities until the end of the year due to ongoing upgrade work.
In a press release, the Ministry of Tourism said the upgrade work will be completed by the end of December. Due to the collapse of a roof and the consequential need to ensure the safety of beach users, the bathroom facilities on the beach have been closed, and the main car parking facility is no longer available to the public.
In the interim, temporary washrooms have been constructed by the National Infrastructure Development Company Limited (NIDCO) for use by the public and the vendors near the main lifeguard building. The Ministry has been liaising with the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) to ensure a consistent water supply is maintained and a janitorial service provider is in place to maintain these temporary facilities, the release stated.
The ministry said the upgrade works include road works, upgrade of drainage and car park facilities are being executed by the Programme for Upgrading Roads Efficiency Unit (PURE), of the Ministry of Works and Transport. The developmental works at Maracas Beach are being done in phases to alleviate any possible disruption and inconvenience to general North Coast traffic, patrons, vendors and the Maracas community at large.
"Upgrade at Maracas Beach"