Gov't invests $3M in tailoring

Government is investing $3 million in the inaugural Certificate Programme in Ultra Bespoke Tailoring, classes for which will begin next March at the MIC Institute of Technology (MIC) in Macoya.
The programme is facilitated and led by Professor Andrew Ramroop OBE, Founder of the Savile Row Academy, Master Tailor and Director of Maurice Sedwell, bespoke tailors of Savile Row, London.
During the year-long programme, 20 successful applicants will learn Bespoke Tailoring, Pattern Drafting, Cutting and Fitting from Ramroop and Savile Row Academy trained instructors, while the MIC will provide courses in math, communication, science, life skills and entrepreneurship. Graduates will be awarded a certificate by the Savile Row Academy, equivalent to Level 4 in the UK’s National Vocational Qualifications.

There is a $10,000 fee which students can pay in two tranches, one at the start of the course and one at the end. Speaking at the launch at the Trade Ministry’s office in Port of Spain on Wednesday, Trade Minister Paula Gopee-Scoon said the $10,000 fee can be considered a subsidy because the cost of doing a programme like this in the UK is much more expensive. Ramroop added to the minister’s point, revealing that if one were to enrol in this course in the UK, it would cost £19,900 or just under $200,000 per person. “Here you’re getting it for $10,000, with the Savile Row Academy gifting each student with all of the materials required to do the course – that’s worth much more than $10,000. They’re getting specially made cutting shears and trimming shears, needles and thimbles, tape measures, absolutely everything.”
FashtionTT, through its parent company CreativeTT, partnered with the ministry, MIC and the Savile Row Academy to host the one-year programme. CreativeTT Director Dionne Mc Nichol Stephenson cited the foreign exchange earning potential of graduates of the programme.
Mc Nichol Stephenson said, “Association with such a well-respected brand will provide avenues for products made in TT and boosts their acceptability in global markets...International consumers will have added confidence in local products and quality, which in turn can lead to increased sales (while) competitiveness on the international stage will lead to increased foreign exchange.” Registration is open from November 15 to 23 via FashionTT’s website,
"Gov’t invests $3M in tailoring"