Man acquitted of 2007 murder

A Maloney man was on Thursday acquitted of a 2007 murder and vowed never have a soft drink again.

Vaughn Willis Brown, 32, was before Justice Malcolm Holdip in the Second Criminal Court, charged with the June 19, 2007, murder of Faizal “Rat” Ramcharitar, 20, at Convent Street, Arouca. The jury deliberated for just over two hours before returning with the not-guilty verdict.

Brown, in his evidence at trial, said he had gone to his girlfriend’s home when he went to the shop for a soft drink.

He testified that there was a history of racial tension between him, his girlfriend, Marsha Ramnath, and Ramcharitar for several months.

Both Brown and Ramnath testified to this.


He claimed Ramcharitar, his brothers and their father attacked him and it was Ramcharitar’s brother who pulled out a knife during the attack and accidentally stabbed his brother.

The trial took 11 days and the prosecution led testimony from four witnesses and had admitted into evidence the statements and exhibits of 12 other witnesses, in accordance with the new Criminal Procedure Rules.

Ramcharitar’s former girlfriend and his two brothers, Fareed and Fazal, testified for the prosecution.

They said Brown approached their brother and asked Faizal why he was harassing Ramnath. They claimed Ramcharitar walked off but was slapped by Brown, who continued to cuff him.

One of Ramcharitar’s brother said he saw his brother with a knife before he ran off.

Ramcharitar died several hours after the incident.

According to Brown, because he was of African decent and his girlfriend was a dougla, they were subjected to taunts by Ramcharitar and his family.

Brown surrendered to police on June 20, and was released on Thursday after spending ten years and nine months while he waited on his trial.

He said since that day he has never had a soft drink and does not intend to have one now.


Brown was represented by attorney Daniel Khan and Michelle Gonzalez while Nigel Pilgrim and Whitney Charles prosecuted.


"Man acquitted of 2007 murder"

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