Vasant withdraws from race

MASH BRAKES: Vasant Bharath displays a pamphlet at a press conference yesterday where he announced he was withdrawing from the UNC election race. PHOTO BY LINCOLN HOLDER
MASH BRAKES: Vasant Bharath displays a pamphlet at a press conference yesterday where he announced he was withdrawing from the UNC election race. PHOTO BY LINCOLN HOLDER


Former St Augustine MP Vasant Bharath yesterday announced he was withdrawing from the race for political leader in the UNC’s internal election set for November 26. In addition, his entire slate of potential candidates was also withdrawing.

Bharath made the announcement hours before political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar filed her nomination papers at the party’s McBean, Couva headquarters. He said the decision to withdraw was made following a meeting with activists earlier in the morning yesterday.

Flanked by supporters which included former Chaguanas East MP Stephen Cadiz and attorney Larry Lalla, at the Grand Marquis Conference Centre in Chaguanas, Bharath said he and his slate remain loyal and committed members of the party.

“However, as much as elections that are fair and participatory are desirable and in the best interest of any democracy, all indications are the intended poll to elect a political leader at this time, is voidable and the results may be impeachable in a court of law,” Bharath said. “It is therefore with much regret that I say I cannot and will not lead any group or any team into this charade and illegality.”

Asked whether this included all available positions on the national executive, he said, “we will not be contesting any positions. We believe it is not going to be a fair process because there is no independence in the process and secondly we believe the issue of the political leader’s position being brought forward is unconstitutional. We just intend to not be involved in what we deem an illegal election.”

Bharath said as a “lifetime UNC member”, he will continue to work to make the party one that is credible to the national community as a genuine alternative to the PNM. Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Christine Newallo-Hosein, the only one left to oppose Persad-Bissessar, said she was “deeply saddened” at the news of Bharath’s withdrawal.


Days after challenging UNC political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar to a public, televised debate, former St Augustine MP Vasant Bharath this morning announced he was pulling out of the party's political leader race.

At a press conference at 10 am, Bharath made the announcement, which effectively means Persad-Bissessar's only challenger for the post in the November 26 internal election is Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Christine Newallo-Hosein.

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"Vasant withdraws from race"

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