Fuad: Name Waterfront after Manning
UNC MP Dr Fuad Khan has suggested that Government rename the International Waterfront and Government Campus after former prime minister Patrick Manning.
Khan made the suggestion, to which the response was one of silence, in the House of Representatives yesterday during the budget debate. He said, “The person who built this complex, who built the Hyatt, who built the education towers, Customs House, was the late leader of the PNM, Mr Patrick Manning.”
He added, “I always had great respect for Mr Manning, and it did hurt me when he had to sit down at the end, in that area, after he lost the elections and he was sent out of Balisier House.”
Asked by Deputy Speaker Esmond Forde to make his comments relevant to the budget, Khan said, “The budget is being done in the institution that he built. We have been here for seven years. It is just fitting that this International Waterfront Complex be called after Mr Patrick Manning.”
Earlier, Khan also said he admired PNM MP Marlene McDonald for bringing home the point that members of parliament need to be strong for their parties.
He said he was glad he was in the Parliament on Tuesday when McDonald made her presentation because she stood up and fought tooth and nail for the party and for Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley even when he was in opposition and the party was at its lowest.
"Fuad: Name Waterfront after Manning"