DPTT: Little to show for Independence
The Democratic Party of TT (DPTT) is concerned that this country has little to show after 55 years as an independent nation. In the party's Independence Day message, DPTT leader Steve Alvarez observed,"Despite our successes and progress, we have found a way to spend more per capita than many developed nation with little to show for it." Alvarez cited a minority of criminals putting communities in TT in distress; crime harming TT's international image; access to limited foreign exchange; neglect of the country's agricultural lands and the continued daily traffic congestion which citizens face on a daily basis on the nation's roads, as some examples of this.
Alvarez said Independence Day is a good starting point for the population to work aggressively to solve, "the inefficiencies that has plagued us over the years." He said this country has, " the ability, personnel and strength to not only face the challenges of tomorrow but overcome them with gusto."
He called for an end to ethnic voting patterns and for citizens to vote for politicians who, "promote the best vision for moving our nation forward." In calling for solutions for many of the nation's problems, Alvarez supported the, "opening up our country through a new network of roads and a light rail system" as a solution for TT's traffic congestion. He called for a reduction of TT's food import bill and a new governance structure which advocates, "a top down model to a community based system where service to our citizens is paramount. "
"DPTT: Little to show for Independence"