Traffic plan for Long Circular Mall area
THE EDITOR: Within the last couple of weeks I have been dropping one of my grandchildren to school around 7 am heading for Maraval. The school is off Long Circular Road and I have to say that the restrictions in place for the morning traffic by Long Circular Mall are not working.
I have a few suggestions/ideas I would like to put to the Ministry of Works and Transport for traffic improvements in that area which should be tried and, if successful, could be made permanent. It’s like creating a roundabout.
1. Block off the entrance on Bengal Street to Patna Street.
2. Make Delhi Street one way between Long Circular Road and Agra Street heading west.
3. Traffic on Long Circular Road heading north into Maraval would turn left into Delhi Street and then right into Agra Street. Agra Street is opposite the entrance to Long Circular Mall.
4. From Agra Street traffic would turn right into Patna Street which would be one way heading east onto Long Circular Road. Traffic going into the mall would keep to the left on Agra Street to cross to the mall. Traffic coming out of the mall would turn left into Patna Street towards Long Circular Road.
5. Have three lanes on Long Circular Road heading south between Patna Street and Delhi Street. The right lane would allow traffic to turn right into Delhi Street, the centre lane would allow traffic to continue south to the Western Main Road and the left lane traffic would left into Barbados Road, Federation Park.
If this plan is successful there would be no need for having traffic lights at the corner of Long Circular Road and Delhi Street.
I strongly believe that the ministry try these suggestions to allow for an ease of the traffic flow in that area.
Petit Valley
"Traffic plan for Long Circular Mall area"