Dissident 5 must buckle down and do their work

Dinesh Rambally -
Dinesh Rambally -

THE EDITOR: Missing parliament was a serious dereliction of duty by the five UNC MPs and it definitely prevented the Opposition from defeating Government in the motion on April 26.

Missing the vote were Tabaquite MP Anita Haynes-Alleyne – who in fact actually requested leave – Naparima MP Rodney Charles, Cumuto/Manzanilla MP Dr Rai Ragbir, Mayaro MP Rushton Paray and Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally.

It is not very often the Opposition has the ability to defeat a Government in a debate and thereby make a real impact. So this vote to give an extension for the Government to submit its public accounts was a crucial one.

The Opposition Leader has every right to reprimand her MPs, as had the Government been defeated on the motion, the repercussions would have been far and wide. It would have shown that the Opposition really can effect change in Parliament.

MPs are elected by the people and there is an expectation that they would attend sittings to represent the interests of the electorate.

How come five MPs can be absent at the same time and how come it’s the same five who have been calling for UNC internal elections? This to me seems deliberate.

Chaguanas West MP Dinesh Rambally, who has come out hard recently, claiming the UNC cannot win an election under the leadership of Persad-Bissessar, has he ever fought an internal election? Has he ever gone up for a post to support and build the party? Or has he fought for the people in his constituency as hard as Kamla Persad-Bissessar has fought for every citizen over the past 14 years?

How can you criticise the person who elevated you above so many other members who have been fighting for years for the party? You were given the opportunity to be an MP. Mr Rambally, why couldn't you have dealt with this through proper channels?

The political leadership issue is one thing but you had a duty to the party, to its supporters and to those who voted for you to be in the House when that critical motion was being debated to be followed by the vote.

And as for Rodney Charles who is talking to the media now at every opportunity and accusing the same person who had always supported him as an MP. This is being disingenuous to say the least.

You are accusing the leader of not being in Parliament more times than yourself. Are you a spoilt child who has been caught with its hands in the cookie jar, yet looking to point fingers at others?

The fact is, the Opposition Leader was in Parliament that fateful day to cast her vote. This cannot be disputed.

To all these MPs who have suddenly found fault with everything, please, let’s be fair and stop making excuses for not performing your duties. Do your job as elected representatives instead of finding time to publicly air your laundry.

Stop the public onslaught on our political leader, stop the victimhood, the accusations of ostracism and just do your job. At least until you all are no longer elected representatives.


Port of Spain


"Dissident 5 must buckle down and do their work"

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