Lloyd Best Institute discusses schools in pan

The Lloyd Best Institute Convois 2025: Education Revolution will continue from March 24-28 under the theme, School in Pan in Practice.
In a media release, the institution said it intends to spend 2025 “figuring out how to put Lloyd Best’s thrilling solutions to our educational problems into practice. Best proposed these ideas in his 1995 speech 'School in Pan,' delivered at Scherzando panyard."
The institute will host discussions on different themes related to education each day and has invited people and organisations engaged in educational work to present on their activities and circumstances, the release said.
All discussions will be held at the Lloyd Best Institute, 91C Tunapuna Road, and cost $60, except on March 26.
On March 24 the discussion theme will be steelband as education, from 2-6 pm.
Institutions enabling change will be the discussion on March 25 from 10 am-2 pm. The virtual discussion on March 26 will be around regional connections.
On March 27, the theme will be innovations in education, and school in pan will be the theme of the discussion on March 28, both from 10 am-2 pm.
convois began on March 21 with a lecture from radical educator Dr Didacus Jules and music, refreshments and a market by the Caribbean Yard Campus, the institute’s sister organisation.
On March 22, there was a panyard tour from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. The panyards visited included Birdsong Academy in St Augustine, Southern Marines Steelpan Institute in San Fernando, Diatonics Steelpan Institute and Siparia Deltones, both in Siparia.
For more info and to register for the discussions: e-mail thelloydbestinstitute@gmail.com.
"Lloyd Best Institute discusses schools in pan"