Assessing PM's leadership

LEADERSHIP is not about being liked or making impressive speeches. It is about delivering results. Peter Drucker’s words should serve as a benchmark to distinguish true leaders from those who hold illusions about what success truly means.
Recently, Prime Minister Rowley suggested that he would leave office with his head held high. This is unfortunate, as his tenure has been marked by significant challenges, and under his leadership we seem to have moved from difficult circumstances to a tipping point.
I have no doubt that the Prime Minister tried his best, and his love for country and commitment to service have been unwavering. However, good intentions alone do not guarantee effective governance.
One can serve with dedication and still fall short of expectations. One can love one’s country deeply but fail to deliver what is needed. This, I believe, is the paradox of Dr Rowley – a man who cared about his country yet struggled to provide the competent governance required to make a meaningful difference.
A leader’s responsibilities extend beyond service; they include protecting and defending the people, developing a clear economic plan for sustainable prosperity, and fostering a governance structure that ensures efficiency and effectiveness.
When examining Rowley’s track record, what benchmarks can we use to assess whether he has performed well and deserves to leave with his head held high? For instance, has he managed to grow the economy? Common metrics used to measure economic success include:
1. GDP growth
2. GDP per capita
3. Unemployment rate
4. Inflation rate
5. Balance of trade
6. Foreign direct investment (FDI)
7. Debt-to-GDP ratio
8. Business confidence index
9. Productivity index
10. Poverty rate
11. Human development index (HDI)
12. Gini coefficient
13. Interest rates
Additionally, do citizens feel safer today? Key indicators of public safety include:
1. Overall crime rate
2. Violent crime rate
3. Property crime rate
4. Law enforcement response times
5. Crime resolution rate
6. Recidivism rate
7. Public perception of safety
8. Gun violence statistics
9. Traffic safety metrics
10. Child protection and abuse rates
And lastly, have we achieved good governance? Indicators of effective governance include:
1. Corruption perceptions index
2. Government effectiveness index
3. Political stability
4. Rule of law index
5. Voice and accountability index
6. Media freedom index
7. Public trust in government
8. Quality and accessibility of infrastructure
9. Judicial independence
10. Human rights index
11. Electoral integrity index
12. Citizen engagement and participation index
The above metrics represent just a sample of the critical indicators a leader should consider to assess their performance. After evaluating these, one might reconsider any claims about leaving office with one’s head held high. True leadership is free from delusions of grandeur and adequacy alike. Instead, it is grounded in results that improve lives and move a nation forward.
"Assessing PM’s leadership"