TRHA, health division take blood drive to the public

Dr Faith BYisrael - File photo by David Reid
Dr Faith BYisrael - File photo by David Reid

THE Tobago Regional Health Authority (TRHA) and the Division of Health, Wellness and Social Protection have embarked on a new blood donation drive titled "donate blood – save lives."

At February 28's TRHA caravan in Scarborough, THA Secretary of Health Dr Faith BYisrael said the two entities understand what it takes to provide the life-saving services that the TRHA provides.

“It means that we have taken up a mantle that probably surpasses what happens on the other island as it relates to going to people and encouraging them to donate blood. We did that last year and we are continuing the process this year.”

BYisrael said she receives calls and messages from families about the challenges they experience when blood is needed for relatives.

“And then, like everyone else, we send out the notices. Unfortunately, that process takes time and, unfortunately, that process does not allow us to provide in the swiftest possible time. Which is why it is critical for us to do something like what we are doing now, which is to truly utilise a model that is used worldwide.”

She said the division will be going to the public to encourage blood donation..

“Which means if you have an organisation and you have a little space, a little room where we can fit a chair or two in a special room, in your lobby area or something to the side where people come in – definitely, call us and we will co-ordinate bringing these chairs to you.”

She said a temporary blood donation site will be set-up at her division and will likely move to the THA’s Division of Community Development, Youth Development and Sport.

“And there are others scheduled for the rest of the year. I am sending this call to the other agencies within the Tobago space – the T&TEC, the WASA, the army base, the coast guard base, the police stations, the banks. Wherever you are and people can come to your space, join us on this worthy cause.

"The fact is that we never know when the need for blood could be your need – you never know. Right now it is a name that you probably know, right now it is probably your neighbour, one night it is probably someone else that you’re hearing, but unfortunately by tomorrow it could literally be you.”


"TRHA, health division take blood drive to the public"

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