Death penalty only a threat

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: The latest character to get up and say that the death penalty is not a deterrent to murder is living in another reality. My question to him is: “What death penalty are you talking about?" It certainly isn’t in Trinidad where the death penalty is only a threat. As a matter of fact, we are making it easier to kill by now giving bail for murder.

If your child does something that is not acceptable in your household, what is the consequence? Do you threaten to punish but don’t carry out the punishment? The child repeats the infraction and you threaten again but do nothing. So, what is the result?

Any idiot like me would be tempted to use a vulgar slang that means you are wasting your time. But I refrain.


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"Death penalty only a threat"

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