Why no one concerned about rate?

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: For the past several months we have been bombarded with observations about the coming property tax. Almost all of the complaints revolve around rental value, while some staff sit in an office and decide what rental value in areas unknown to them are.

The property owners are all, without exception, appalled, but is that the real or only problem? What about the percentage that has been determined by the powers that be? From what I have read, this percentage, three per cent, is among the highest in the Caribbean. Why is no one concerned about that?

If we can get these powers that be to bring the percentage rate to within the norm (the rate in the Caribbean is zero to three per cent of the rental value), say by half, 1.5 per cent, immediately our taxes are halved.

By the same token, we are spending months, maybe years, in trying to get a reduced rental value rate. Suppose we are successful, how much of a reduction can we expect? No two houses in a neighbourhood are the same, so how do you get a standard rental rate by neighbourhood? Remember, our economy is not decided by government, but by the price of oil.


Diego Martin


"Why no one concerned about rate?"

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