Crime, hypocrisy and Christmas 2023

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: Is crime being viewed as the best vehicle to ride in the journey to winning general election 2025? It is obviously a political elephant that the political naysayers have taken out of the room in the hope of political victory.

One can almost feel the salivating in the hope of exceeding 600 murders. Will the constant scaremongering tactics mean practically no one will leave home to vote without a gun in their hands?

Does scaremongering replace the fact that there is no room for third political parties at this juncture?

Will snide remarks about racial divide empower the political hypocrites?

The two political parties worth bothering about will always be the Afro-based PNM and the Indo-based UNC. Why? Because these two races have been exploited for gain throughout several hundred years. There is no shame in racial loyalty. Base supporters will not just evaporate.

The PNM and UNC enjoy hundreds of thousands of supporters with lots of party crossovers in modern times.

There is absolutely no traction in playing the race card. We have come too far to turn back.

The fixing of crime is complicated. Crime has significantly increased over the years since criminals have been returned to their country of origin. Covid19 and climate change have added to complications that cannot be easily fixed.

Beauty, especially political beauty, lies in the eyes of the supporting beholders. The main naysayers of the PNM and UNC are people who have been purged or purged themselves from both parties. And good riddance.

Politics in TT is now based on throwing words. Examine the facts.

And why did the COP eventually wilt and die when the wonderful Winston Dookeran walked away? Do we need all of the COP's fine print?

For political aspirants who still believe in Santa Claus, wake up and smell the political coffee. Third political parties are mere window dressing because of insufficient base support.

Will rampant crime be fixed by 2025? Will constant political ego-stroking win a general election?

Crime, rampant or not, cannot replace the importance of political parties of outstanding relevance. As a political fruit, crime is hanging too low and being crushed underfoot.


Diego Martin


"Crime, hypocrisy and Christmas 2023"

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