Trinidad and Tobago, we can rise from this darkness

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: No hole is too deep and while it may take different time spans to come out of it, eventually we all can do so and reach the place we desire to be.

Our beautiful twin-island republic continues to face a very difficult period in its history. Rampant crime and harsh economic realities have led to many succumbing to feelings of hopelessness and utter dejection. Many have failed and have fallen victim to their circumstances.

I have known people, some close to me, who were doing well in their chosen field but because of the economic downturn, they are now barely holding on. How many have lost their jobs and means of livelihood with the shuttering of Petrotrin? How many businesses which closed during the pandemic and consequent lockdown, have never reopened?

People eminently qualified in specialist fields are now unemployed and doing little odd jobs here and there when the opportunity comes their way.

On the crime front, many don’t feel safe at all – not even in their homes. Poverty is real in Trinidad and Tobago and it feeds into our crime levels. Many find themselves at the bottom of economic holes and the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots” keeps ever widening.

Amid all of this, let us keep our faith and hold on to a vision for a much better future for Trinidad and Tobago.

As one song says, “We can make it if we try,” and it is better to fail trying than to fail because we did not try.

What is crucial is if we ever hope to rise, is our leadership learning to work with each other for the betterment of the country and the lives of citizens?

Instead of trying to destroy each other politically, at every opportunity and in every forum – which only creates more division in an already divided society – our politicians need to change their attitude for the sake of all of Trinidad and Tobago. It’s a fact that the toxic political environment actually contributes very significantly to the deep divisions and mistrust in our nation. Once greed, power struggles, ego and party politics exist, Trinidad and Tobago cannot hope to rise out of this darkness of hopelessness and despair. We are all part of the process, and we must do what is right without fear or favour, using our God-given expertise and skill sets.

It must not only be about personal gain, but also for love of our country. All must get involved!

Yes, we can rise out of this darkness but it will take total involvement and complete buy-in. There can be no space for selfish behaviours. Working together, and with God’s help, Trinidad and Tobago can be a better place for all.


San Juan


"Trinidad and Tobago, we can rise from this darkness"

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