2 fine women officers

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: The police may have their ups and downs with the escalating crime in our country. We may even find them to be incompetent and worthless, but the job of a police officer is difficult, heartless, unforgiving, unfair, ungrateful and cynical, especially in a society like ours filled with deceit, disrespect and anger.

As strange as it may sound, there are good officers. A couple evenings ago my childhood friend (an ex-police officer) was stranded on the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, just off PriceSmart in Arima. I observed his vehicle and drifted to the left to assist in whatever way I could.

A vehicle is an innate object that sends messages to the driver that "I am not feeling well." So, they shut down when you least expect. Unfortunately, this had taken place and my friend and I remained there for almost four hours waiting for a tow truck.

Suddenly, blue lights appeared and the occupants pulled aside to find out what was taking place and to render any possible assistance, which was applaudable indeed. WPCs Kelly and Sanchez were courteous and professional in their approach and must be singled out for an award and promotion because of the execution of their duties.

TT may not be a real place at the moment, but there are still some good people. Yes, the country is on a downward slope and it is up to us, not only the police, to save TT from catastrophe, or “crapaud will smoke we pipe.”

Hats off to these outstanding women officers. Kelly and Sanchez, you made my day, it just couldn’t get better than that.




"2 fine women officers"

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