In collapse with no government to rescue us

Prime Minister Dr Rowley - ROGER JACOB
Prime Minister Dr Rowley - ROGER JACOB

THE EDITOR: "The current violent crime spree will not be tolerated."

Brave words if they had any meaning or carried any threat towards the brazen heavily-armed elements in our society.

And who was the brave person making this utterly fallacious statement? Ahhh! It was our usually bumptious but ineffective Prime Minister Rowley.

But what will be done to put these brave words into some effect? Will Rowley throw another tantrum? Who will he blame for the ongoing crime waves – violent, gun-driven crimes, corruption and incompetence-driven crime (years of rental for a building never used, by the Director of Public Prosecutions no less, a multi-million dollar university locked away for years, and endless criminal neglect of our buildings, roads and equipment)?

And what about dozens of police vehicles abandoned and rusting? What about this one? you might ask regarding a nice-looking police car. Oh, it needs spark plugs, you might be told. That is the level of neglect and indifference that is officially part of our lives.

Can anyone list the cases we have brought to, or defended against, at the Privy Council? Have we won any? And what has been the cost to us? Does anyone know? Or care? From our raging Prime Minister, through our silly Minister of Finance, the struggling Attorney General, the man posing as a Minister of National Security, and a Minister of Works who cannot win an election, far less upgrade our collapsing infrastructure, we are a society in collapse.

I shake my old head, yes, and know that our once thriving and blessed-with-wealth society is in collapse. And we have no government which can rescue the country.

Can you disagree with this? Do you feel that we are managing at all?

Best wishes then.



"In collapse with no government to rescue us"

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