TTT launches Home of Media OJT Graduate Programme

TTT Ltd’s Home of Media OJT Graduate Programme has been launched at Studio B, TTT Ltd, Maraval Road, St Clair.
Attending the launch were Symon de Nobriga, Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister responsible for communications; Jacqueline Charles, permanent secretary, Office of the Prime Minister – communications; Natalie Willis, permanent secretary, Ministry of Labour; and Christophe Brathwaite, acting CEO, TTT Ltd.
Also at the August 9 event were Joann David, director, and Curtis Daniel, both of the On-the-Job Training Division, Ministry of Labour.

A media release said De Nobriga felt as the national broadcaster, TTT Ltd should take the lead in developing the next generation of young media professionals.
TTT has a rich history of creating and shaping talented media giants such as Neil Giuseppi, Jones P Madeira and Dominic Kalipersad. Other notable names, who have passed on, include Mervyn Telfer, Ed Fung, Hazel Ward-Redman, Bobby Thomas, Allyson Hennessy, Sham Mohammed and Holly Betaudier, to name a few. These media professionals all stood out as pioneers in local and radio productions. Under this umbrella, a decision was taken that TTT Ltd should lead in the development of the next generation of young media professionals, the release said.

To achieve this goal, strategic partnerships were forged with the Office of the Prime Minister – Communications and the Ministry of Labour’s OJT Programme, where trainees in the field of media and communications studies will be selected and trained in various disciplines of media.
Twelve trainees will be selected over 24 months and invited to harness their acquisition of practical and occupational skills together with on-the-job experience in the media industry. As part of this initiative, the trainees will be coached by experienced mentors.
At the launch, the memorandum of agreement between the Ministry of Labour and TTT Ltd was signed.
TTT Ltd’s Home of Media OJT Graduate Programme is earmarked to begin in September.
"TTT launches Home of Media OJT Graduate Programme"