Political heat in the place

UNC and NTA supporters at a joint meeting in Port of Spain on July 19. - ROGER JACOB
UNC and NTA supporters at a joint meeting in Port of Spain on July 19. - ROGER JACOB

THE EDITOR: Global warming in Europe is paling into insignificance. We are hotter than them. Political heat in the place in TT.

Local government elections will have plenty people crying or laughing. When one sees senior members of the Opposition UNC actually attending social functions in Port of Spain, you know they looking to be noticed.

But is it too late to play friendly with foreign ambassadors? Is it a sign of desperation to now acknowledge that appearing as part of the social network is important? As we say in local parlance, there are more places besides the Red House in Port-of-Spain to show your face. Start looking like you know how to mix with people outside the UNC heartlands. Show that you are not afraid of strangers.

Or is the UNC pretty sure that its coalition with you know who will cover the votes in town? Popularity is a moving target. In three weeks' time we will know for sure who is better than sliced bread.

Time to admit that you have to mix and mingle and stop asking how much every plate of food costs long after the esteemed visitors have gone back home? Is that the only sphere of political endeavour? How much for this? How much for that?

When will the UNC realise that querying the cost of everything spent on Caricom meetings sends a country-bookie message? That it has no idea about sophistication?

All countries have to meet and greet for the sake of improvements in business relations. What are you expected to serve? KFC and some mauby? Will you house esteemed guests in bed-and-breakfast accommodation suited for backpacking student visitors?

In TT 2010-2015, did the People's Partnership entertain anybody at all? Did members travel anywhere? Did they meet and greet with other countries? Did they make any friends at all?

How much did they actually spend and on what? Beside the never-ever-let-you-forget laptops and 100 schools with no money to pay the contractors?

Political self-image is everything. The UNC must stop playing at small-brain politics.

What is truly expected of a viable political entity?


Diego Martin


"Political heat in the place"

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