Boroughs of failure, incompetence

THE EDITOR: I had cause to do some business with a leading insurer in the Endeavour Estate of Chaguanas.

For the record, this estate houses several million-dollar businesses. Yet to gain access, I had to park on the road by Ramlal Wood Manufacturing and walk, in the pouring rain, to the insurer's office, as the road which circles the estate is impassable.

That road is covered with potholes, craters, more potholes, lumps of discarded concrete and then some more potholes.

I asked about the terrible road conditions and if no representation was made to have it repaired.

The answer I got was that since the Ministry of Works threw this road back to the purview of the Chaguanas Borough Corporation, for the last ten years, the corporation has had no money to fix this and other roads.

Yes, this was the response!

Here is an excellent example of how idiotic and nonsensical it is to ascribe borough status but not back it up with adequate funding, a fit and proper mayor, and support staff inclusive of technical staff, and a work plan for the benefit of the burgesses.

The PNM suddenly believes the cure for years of incompetence, low or no funding and generic failure is to designate corporations as boroughs.

The Chaguanas Borough Corporation is a good example of a failed borough riddled with incompetence, failure and municipal incontinence. It makes no difference if Chaguanas is called a borough, county council or village council. Municipal issues remain the same.

Indeed, nothing can cure the failure of a mayor who cannot engage million-dollar businesses located in his borough to repair an important road which brings customers to the borough and the doors of these businesses.

The same goes for Port of Spain as there are massive potholes all over the capital, and vagrancy and human filth have reduced the Brian Lara Promenade to a latrine.

There is a loose manhole cover at the corner of Edward Street and Independence Square which they will not fix and there are gaping craters on Queen Street.

Mr Chaguanas mayor, show some ingenuity and creative municipal efficiency by getting the financial co-operation of million-dollar businesses to pay for critical road repairs in Endeavour Estate.

This will enhance the borough and release your dependence on the Minister of Works, who paid to build a road between Manzanilla and Mayaro yet got a mud track.

Mr Port of Spain mayor, the capital reeks of raw sewage from the financial complex to South Quay. Nothing is happening and you are already a borough. For once, show some leadership.


Port of Spain


"Boroughs of failure, incompetence"

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