Struggle to understand thinking of politicians

THE EDITOR: I am struggling to understand the way our politicians think and act with regard to the issuance of FULs and the lawlessness.

Everyone knows the old saying that you cannot shape an old tree, you have to shape it while it is young and supple.

When I was young most homes had an employed father and a stay-at-home mother. If a child misbehaved he or she would get a few strokes with a belt and that would be the end of the matter.

Presently, we have a different set-up. Both parents are out to work in order to meet the financial burden of high food prices, home mortgage and car loan. The children are left in the care of the television or internet on which they are fed a daily dose of criminal activity.

In addition, the law allows a child to sue its parent/s if he or she is flogged and many children raise their hands to their parents.

Governments allow providers to air shows with offensive content. They allow companies to manufacture arms and ammunition (devices of mass destruction).

They allow companies to manufacture cigars and cigarettes and alcoholic drinks (devices which cause severe illnesses and death) and then hold symposiums to discuss ways to not correct these wrongs but to control them.

Until governments get serious and stop thinking of the taxes they can collect on these items, no one will take them seriously.


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"Struggle to understand thinking of politicians"

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