Relief needed with the daily traffic pains

Almost daily, people encouter traffic jams along the major roads. Without understading the main causes, through in-depth analysis, solutions cannot be offered.  - File photo/ROGER JACOB
Almost daily, people encouter traffic jams along the major roads. Without understading the main causes, through in-depth analysis, solutions cannot be offered. - File photo/ROGER JACOB

THE EDITOR: Something has to give with the numbing traffic situation. We simply cannot continue like this. And it seems that the powers that be are either aloof or too distracted with political gamesmanship.

I would truly like to know what are the plans for traffic alleviation, ie, if they have one since the last great plan of building overpasses and removal of traffic lights have failed miserably.

Why isn't this on the Government's front burner? Doesn't the daily pains and cries of children and parents leaving home at ungodly hours in the morning churn the hearts of the political elites? Or don't they have a heart?

I can highlight some areas in my locale of Chaguanas Central that are in urgent need of attention, namely the Endeavour roundabout area, the Chase Village triangle and the Chaguanas flyover heading south on afternoons. These three need to be addressed forthwith, if not to eradicate the gridlock, to at least bring some measure of relief to this endemic problem.

Finally, when I reflect on late prime minister Patrick Manning's efforts to implement a rail system, I can see now how this man was truly a visionary leader and how what passes for leadership now pales in comparison.


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"Relief needed with the daily traffic pains"

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