Buccoo Reef leak fixed

The Buccoo Reef fast ferry.  -
The Buccoo Reef fast ferry. -

TT Inter-Island Transportation Company (TTIT) CEO Vilma Lewis-Cockburn says a minor leak spotted on the US$72.9 million Buccoo Reef fast ferry on Monday has been fixed.

A one-minute video that began circulating on social media on Monday, showed water running from a leak near the roof of the vessel. The video fuelled online speculation about the condition of the vessel.

But in an phone interview with Newsday on Thursday, Lewis-Cockburn said the problem was a minor one and was quickly sorted out.

"It was a drain. A pipe burst, and it took no time. It was rectified as soon as they realised what happened."

Lewis-Cockburn said the repairs were completed on the same day.

The Buccoo Reef, which arrived in April 2021 from Tasmania, Australia was built by the Incat shipyard and can accommodate 1,000 passengers, including crew, and 182 vehicles.


"Buccoo Reef leak fixed"

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