Facts about hearing loss

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THE EDITOR: To live in a silent world is not nice. I know someone who had his hearing impaired when he contracted mumps.

I do not like to use the term "deaf" but a distinction must be made.

The term "deaf" describes anyone who has a severe hearing problem and can be used to refer to people who are severely hard of hearing.

The risk factors leading to hearing loss are: ageing, loud noises, heredity, occupational noise, recreational noise, some medications, meningitis.

To prevent going deaf you should protect your ears, have your hearing tested yearly, avoid recreational risks.

How to communicating with a deaf person: talk directly with the person, make sure you have the person's attention before talking, maintain eye contact, use normal lip movement, speak at a normal volume, converse in a well lit room so the person can see your face clearly, speak in plain English at normal speed, use written notes, diagrams, gestures, facial expressions to help explain yourself, point to parts of your body if necessary, keep checking to make sure the person is comprehending you.

Hearing loss cannot be reversed.


Princes Town


"Facts about hearing loss"

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