Leaders, show the people that you really care

THE EDITOR: The people need to see that our leaders care, not just with words but with their physical presence.

It is clear that some of our leaders know very well how to disappear when there is a crisis, and I refer to politicians on both sides of the political divide. How many of them were visible during the massive flooding last November, consistently in the trenches with the people? They are the ones who made the commitment to serve if elected to office. They should have been first on the scene.

And not just in a crisis but regularly walking the streets meeting with their constituents. If a general election is called tomorrow, I am sure they will be here, there and everywhere seven days a week.

Some of our leaders are like ghosts – present in spirit but not in flesh, and that is not a sign of a good leader. This has been their pattern for decades, treating citizens with scant courtesy, disrespecting them at times, and taking them for granted. Better must be done in 2023.

Sometimes all that is needed to calm a storm is a leader's presence. People will see this as having a leader who cares about them. This was one of Christ's strengths; the people not only heard him but also felt his physical presence. The man on the street also needs the presence of leaders.

Is it that they believe they have arrived and no longer need the people? I hope not, because the same power that raised them up can also bring them down. They must not let pride get the better of them. They must stay humble and serve the people.

I encourage our leaders to return to the people, to see them, listen to them, and show them the caring through actions. Then the leaders will have the full support of the people through good times and bad.

I maintain that leaders must lead by example for others to follow. They must leave a rich legacy for those who come after them to follow.


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"Leaders, show the people that you really care"

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