Much to be thankful for this year

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THE EDITOR: As I sit by the seaside writing this letter, I reflect on the passing year and the many challenges faced both locally and internationally:

Battling a pandemic which took so many loved ones away. The financial burden placed on us and on our country. And the war between Russia and Ukraine which finished off the little that was saved.

Should we be depressed or should we look forward to 2023 with hope and strength? I choose the latter. We have much to be thankful for.

To begin with, we are alive and able to make a difference, a positive difference, in not our lives alone but the lives of the many people we interact with. The smallest of good gestures can have the greatest impacts.

We must be thankful for our prudent leaders who steered this ship through the the storm. We must be thankful that while most countries suffered negative economic impacts, we in our beautiful country not only had an almost balanced budget but positive growth in most areas.

We must be thankful that our healthcare workers and the entire system stood up to the challenge and surpassed all expectations, even though certain so-called leaders criticised them and called for their heads.

Our security agencies gave their all to ensure safety and security at a time when it was easy for chaos to reign. Our teachers, though urged by their leadership to create chaos to the detriment of our children's education, rejected such calls and stood by us.

Every single person made some form of impact and proved that we are a resilient people. It has been proven that we are a people full of love and we step up when required.

And even when we feel as though the troubles are too much to bear, we must remember there will always be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limitations. We can and will succeed together. No one will be left behind.

On behalf of my family and myself, have a Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous new year.


San Fernando


"Much to be thankful for this year"

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