If no pride, then where’s the shame?

Stock image source: pxhere.com
Stock image source: pxhere.com

THE EDITOR: A relative visiting from abroad recently went to Salybia Beach in Toco and at first sight decided to leave. He was disgusted at the “shanty town” (his words) that he saw. He was astounded, for he has memories of it in its pristine condition.

The condition of Salybia Beach is emblematic of the results of decades of dysfunctional politics. It took decades for common-sense solutions to be applied to Maracas Beach.

The fact that it takes decades to implement an obvious solution, after a situation has been allowed to disintegrate, begs the questions: Where is the pride? Where is the common sense?

And if pride and common sense can’t be found in the politics, where is the shame?

Common sense would suggest that it is necessary to pre-determine the needs of citizens and then implement systems to meet those needs in an effective manner.

If state land distribution isn’t properly planned, you end up with shanty towns. If continuous proper monitoring isn’t done, you get illegal quarrying – and the criminal activity associated with it.

The politicians appoint a committee for any and everything, and then the report gets filed away. Nothing gets done. They allow the dysfunction to continue for fear of losing votes.

Come on, politicians, do some surveys among the people. They can provide you with some of the common-sense solutions for their problems.

Our country needs leaders who take pride in seeing us prospering and living in a physically wholesome environment. If pride is beyond their sense of values, then at least be motivated by not wanting to be shamed.


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"If no pride, then where’s the shame?"

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