Womanising a winding road to self-destruction

Stock image source: pxhere.com
Stock image source: pxhere.com

THE EDITOR: Two weeks ago I saw a Tik Tok video that was made by a young Trini woman in which she threatened to tell the wife of an uniformed officer or a “serviceman” whom she was allegedly having sexual relations with about their relationship if he did not do something she requested.

Whether the video was an idle threat or not, Trini men, please learn to have some class, please learn to have dignity and learn to have some respect for your relationship and your family.

Stop the womanising and “player” mentality, please. This unhealthy lifestyle may seem fun and glamorous but it is a slow, long and winding road to self-destruction.

Some women would claim they do not care that you are cheating on the woman whom you claim to love, but the minute these “side chicks” cannot get what they want or they cannot control you, they would do everything to destroy your relationship and you.

Sorry, but some of you men are thinking with the wrong head and that is why you get yourself in trouble.

Have you not heard the saying that hell has no fury like a woman scorned? Men, stop your nonsense, please. If you choose to dance with the devil, you would get a VIP ticket to his fete. Behave yourself and try to work things out with your partner; communication is the key.

To the women who want to act like Jezebels and Delilahs, do note that you can never have success in life by wanting to destroy someone’s family. You would not see your way if you want to degrade another woman while climbing the ladder of progress.


Port of Spain


"Womanising a winding road to self-destruction"

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