No applause for Al-Rawi

Rural Development Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi - Angelo Marcelle
Rural Development Local Government Minister Faris Al-Rawi - Angelo Marcelle

THE EDITOR: I am not impressed with the efforts of the Rural Development Local Government Minister during preparations within the last two weeks for adverse weather.

The fact is Faris Al-Rawi’s work during the period is the minimum expectation and must be compared with the leadership example by former prime minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who left public functions, put on boots and went into flood areas during her tenure.

Back then, the PNM opposition said she was engaging in cheap politics. How does that differ from Al-Rawi cutting trees from the bucket of a cherry picker? And it really does not matter whether 35,000 sandbags were given out, this does not help the people of Barrackpore and Matelot, whoever lives there.

I am glad to see him follow through with the enthusiasm he said he was filled with when he was demoted from the Attorney General's Office and into rural development. It certainly exceeds the sub-zero performance of the Minister of National Security who is now turning on the very people he expects to manage the 13-murders-a-day trend now in the country.

What is shows is how much Al-Rawi’s predecessor did not do. It also gives him the opportunity to see the deplorable conditions of communities in regions outside of Port of Spain which have been routinely ignored by the PNM.


St James


"No applause for Al-Rawi"

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