10 types of blogs your business should create

Source: yaro.blog
Source: yaro.blog

You probably read the headline and thought to yourself, “a blog…in 2022?" If you scoffed at the idea that your business should be creating content through blogs, you would be missing out on the most viewed and consumed type of content in the world.

Blogs readership has grown over 12 per cent in the last five years and will continue to do so. Think about this for a second, according to Statista, over 68 per cent of all sales start with a simple Google search.

When you get the results to your question or query on Google (or any search engine), you are typically met with a link to an article from a website, which dominates the search engine results. They have links to a couple of videos on YouTube and maybe even a podcast episode but predominately all results on a search engine are links to articles/blogs on a website.

I wanted to give you some help here and give you 10 types of blogs/articles your business, whether you are a solopreneur, right up to corporate, that you should be creating to help your marketing efforts, and generate more leads and sales.

1. How to blogs

2. Listicles or list blogs

3. Content hubs

4. Expanded definitions

5. Expanded list posts

6. News articles

7. Data studies

8. Case studies

9. Cheat sheets


If your brand decided to execute on these topics daily and consistently, it would greatly improve your search rankings on Google, position your business as a leader in the space and with the right tools in place, you can track exactly which blogs are directly responsible for bringing in new leads or sales into your business.

Let’s dive a little deeper into these blog types.

How to’s

One of the top reasons we go to Google is to learn how to do something. There are things within your industry that you can be teaching your audience How to do, these blogs give you the chance to break down the steps to achieve that result and if you have a video on the topic as well, embed that video into the article for greater SEO results and more options for your audience to learn.

List blogs

These are my favourite because list-based content is one of the most consumed types of content, especially in blog form. It allows the reader to skim easily and only takes a few seconds to get the gist and gives the reader the option to read the rest of the content. Videos or podcasts take much more time to consume, which is why list-type blogs will always have a place in content strategies. Need an example of one? Just look at this article.

Content hubs

If you have created multiple articles surrounding a topic, you can create a content hub that brings all of those articles together on one page which makes it easier for the reader to see all of them in one place.

Expanded definitions

Similar to the how-to guides, they focus mainly on the what and why before they talk about the how. Sometimes we need more context about a topic before we are interested in learning how to do something.

Expanded list post

These articles are meatier than list blogs. List blogs tend to get to the point, whilst the expanded are more lengthy and dive into more information.


If your industry has a lot of changes, consider being the business that reports about your industry and keep your audience abreast. This gives more reasons for your audience to follow you knowing that you will keep them up to date.

Data studies

Who doesn’t love data? Conduct studies within your market, get data and publish the data to continue to educate your audience.

Case studies

We love real world examples and seeing how the data or strategies can be used in real-world settings. This is another great type of blog to help position your brand as a thought leader.


These articles give context to what your audience is going to need to complete an objective and it’s versatile for any industry. Want to highlight what a business needs to file its taxes? Turn it into a checklist-style blog post for you to see greater organic traffic come to your website.


Templates give you instructions on how something needs to be done, kudos if you can make editable templates and use this as a lead magnet to get build your e-mail list.

Mix it up, start adding these types of articles to your website, and use a tool like HubSpot to track your content conversions to leads or sales to see exactly what is working and what is not.

For more info on building your digital presence, visit Keronrose.com or check out the Digipreneur FM podcast on Apple Podcast/Spotify/Google Podcast.


"10 types of blogs your business should create"

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