Teachers must adjust methods

THE EDITOR: This covid19 virus has brought about many changes to the education sector. It has provided unique challenges to both teachers and parents.

Parents are now expected to sacrifice jobs to stay at home with their children while online learning is in progress. They are performing the role of network technician by trying to sort out the myriad of platforms that teachers use. Additionally, these sites tend to have issues in uploading work and even internet connectivity can be challenging.

Teachers can also add to the problems by posting work asynchronously and posting YouTube videos and expect the students to assiduously watch and learn.

The human element seems to be missing from these teachers. They tend to forget that the students are children who are easily distracted and also there are technological issues involved in uploading work on time.

So please, teachers, in this unique learning environment, adjust your teaching methods and your expectations because you are parents also.




"Teachers must adjust methods"

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