CWI has work to do restore pride

THE EDITOR: I feel compelled to write this letter after the West Indies cricket team was beaten again on Saturday and had to depart the T20 World Cup in disgrace.

Why is the WI team continuing to lose? Are our better players mercenaries? Always injured to play for the WI but fit to play fete match cricket for big bucks? No need to call names. They are aware of who they are.

There is no pride in being a WI player. I recall how great it was to represent your college, much less the WI.

Is our approach too defensive? Is there room for our opening batsmen to improve? Does the team have a club culture? Non-performers continue to be consistently selected. Can the players improve their fielding? Do they have a poor work ethic?

Favoritism must be eliminated immediately.

Maybe there are other reasons for their poor performance. Is the coaching efficient and powerful? Is the support staff just plain average?

A team can lose a game if:

* It is unlucky and subjected to unfair events, poor decisions.

* The playing conditions are unsuitable.

* The players did not try hard enough.

* They are not good enough.

Cricket West Indies has work to be done. We need to start now. Proper leadership is required on and off the field.

Let us rally round the West Indies now and forever.


Princes Town


"CWI has work to do restore pride"

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