Protect women,girls from violence

THE EDITOR: Women were not only pushed further into poverty by the covid19 pandemic, but violence increased as well. Ashanti Riley, Neera Ramnath, Cindy Joseph, Reanna Jordan, Vishanie Chitbahal, Johandry Espinosa, and Tricia Ramsaran are only eight of the 47 women who died as a result of gender-based violence in 2020. Andrea Bharatt was the first known case for 2021.

Violence against women and girls in our country is rooted in gender-based bias, social standards that allow violence, and gender stereotypes that perpetuate violent cycles. These acts range are from cyberbullying and sexual harassment to domestic violence, rape and murder. They need to end.

Proactive applications are needed to interrupt this cycle of violence. We women cannot do it alone; before we can help ourselves we first need help. Our government must address the fundamental causes, as well as the danger and protective conditions linked with violence, to eliminate it from our culture and way of life.

Prevention can stop violence before it transpires, not only for women but also young men becoming perpetrators. However, it requires the Government's commitment. I am requesting that Prime Minister Rowley considers the following:

1. Implement legislation that increases gender equality.

2. Invest in women's organisations.

3. Invest in gender equality education for the youth.

4. Address all forms of discrimination women face.

5. Improve the Gender-Based Violence Unit. It should be a women-led unit and teams investigating all crimes against women.

Until all preventive measures are in place, the Government must provide everything women and girls need to recover from physical and mental trauma – legal and job aid and general assistance for living a sound life.

I hope my requests are considered so that no other woman or girl will lose her life to gender-based violence. On a final note, on behalf of all women and girls in TT, I am demanding the Government prioritises our safety and security.


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"Protect women,girls from violence"

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