Trinis need to change selfish ways

THE EDITOR: With the gruesome killing of Andrea Bharatt, everyone has become an expert in law and justice. However, one major thing is being overlooked and that is how much we Trinis actually care about each other.

I have seen a lot of Facebook posts where parents are stating that they would never let their daughters travel and this made me realise something. A lot of men/women don’t actually care about other women unless they are related in some way.

You may not have thought about it enough prior to reading this to admit it, but it is true. I bet that you are watching what is happening in the country now and you are only thinking about the safety of your daughter, mother, sister, wife, friend, girlfriend, etc.

Yes, you would never allow your daughter to travel but what about your daughter’s friend who cannot afford a car?

We as a nation are very selfish. We need to change this about ourselves and change our thinking. We need to help each other out and stop overlooking our privilege and ability to help others.

I am not saying this would fix everything or accelerate justice, but it would definitely help more than prayers would when victims are found.




"Trinis need to change selfish ways"

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