Kamla: Let Tobago resolve deadlock

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar

OPPOSITION leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar does not support the solution outlined by the Prime Minister to resolve the existing deadlock in the Tobago House of Assembly.

In a statement to the media on Wednesday, Persad-Bissessar said she believes there is no need for fresh elections, or parliamentary and Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) intervention. She insists the government must allow Tobago to deal with its own affairs.

The People’s National Movement and the Progressive Democratic Patriots tied six-six in the January 25 THA election. It’s been over a week and the assemblymen have been unable to agree on a candidate for presiding officer and chief secretary.

Last week, Chief Secretary Ancil Dennis called on Dr Keith Rowley to intervene to fix the constitutional crisis the island is battling with.

At a news conference on Wednesday afternoon at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s, Rowley said Cabinet will soon consider two draft amendments to the Tobago House of Assembly Act. The matter will then be taken to the Parliament for debate.

When these amendments are passed, the number of seats can be increased from 12 to 15 to prevent another deadlock. The EBC will then submit a report to Parliament before another election is called.

But Persad-Bissessar doesn’t agree this is the best option for Tobagonians and the island’s democracy.

She said the PM’s suggestions are “contrary to the existing law of TT and contrary to the democratic will of the people of Tobago” and “it is not for the Prime Minister and his Cabinet to dictate the affairs of Tobago.

“There is no need for the previous Executive Council to remain in office. The existing law as contained in the THA Act and the THA Standing Orders is very clear and explicit about what needs to be done in the current situation.”

She said the use of the law that already exists in the THA Act Standing Order 4 (10) to appoint a new Executive Council – rather than a fresh election – will ensure “the democratic will of the people is respected.”

Standing Order 4 (10) of the 2015 House of Representatives provides: “If after the holding of a ballot referred to in paragraph (9) of this Standing Order the votes remain equal, the clerk must determine by lot which candidate is to be eliminated.”

Persad-Bissessar said, “To do otherwise would be to subvert the will of the people of Tobago.”

If any amendments to the THA Act or Standing Orders is required, the Opposition leader insists there must first be consultation with Tobagonians.


"Kamla: Let Tobago resolve deadlock"

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