Questions over the vaccine

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THE EDITOR: In response to a journalist’s question at the press conference on January 20, Dr Erica Wheeler said a vaccinated person can still spread the covid19 virus. What then is the value of the vaccine?

For a vaccinated person to transmit the virus means it is multiplying in their respiratory anatomy. Shouldn’t the vaccine cause our bodies to develop antibodies to fight off the virus? If the virus is still multiplying that is an active infection occurring.

The information provided by Dr Wheeler is consistent with what is in the international media. We are being told the vaccine will prevent the development of symptoms. In other words, is it that the vaccine is intended to mask the disease? If so, then may not report for testing or treatment and the infection rate will decline and the economy will be reopened.

Every accepted vaccine mankind has used has produced a discernible level of antibodies that remain viable for a known period of time. If this vaccine is stimulating an immunological response, why is the virus still multiplying in vaccinated persons? And how long will the alleged immunity last? Would we need to be given a booster every two months?

It has been reported that 12,000 people vaccinated in Israel with the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine, tested positive for the virus post-vaccination.

White House advisor Dr Anthony Fauci has said new data shows the vaccines appear to be less effective against some new strains of the virus. It seems the vaccine is really a means to quell public hysteria while the economy is revived, and the pandemic naturally dies away. The use of the vaccine, in my opinion, will not allow sports, tourism and life to return to pre-covid times.

The authorities are not answering fundamental questions on the vaccine because, it seems, they themselves don’t know with certainty. Every person who is accepting the vaccine is actually part of a trial to gather further information on the virus. It is time someone tells us sincerely what an effective vaccine this is.




"Questions over the vaccine"

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