Park now base for homeless

THE EDITOR: Has the Port of Spain City Corporation allowed football and port-a-potties in the Nelson Mandela Park? The perimeter of the park is similar to a toilet area with filthy, broken benches, garbage strewn everywhere, faeces in certain areas. This is a constant issue, 25 years and continuing.

Some homeless people are using the park as their “home base,” with some being abusive and aggressive. Locals were stopped by the police from playing football in the park. However, there are non-Trinidadians being allowed now. Why aren’t covid19 guidelines being upheld for all nationalities? Why the preferential treatment?

On another issue, the park barriers are being interfered with. When will the corporation take responsibility and construct proper gates with proper locks – instead of pieces of rope which any genius could remove?

Two mayors ago, there was no problem with park management, but this has become a worrying issue in recent years.


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"Park now base for homeless"

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