Independent Senator brings contempt motion against Jearlean John

Independent Senator Paul Richards has brought a motion of contempt of Parliament against Opposition Senator Jearlean John for statements she made after the passage of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Amendment) Bill 2020 on Tuesday.
Speaking in the Senate on Thursday, Richards quoted a December 9 Newsday article which said: "A shame and a disgrace was how Opposition Senator Jearlean John described Independent Senator Maria Dillon-Remy’s support for the Government to narrowly pass a bill to water down the procurement laws.”
John reportedly said Tuesday night had been an opportune moment to act properly but individuals with the power to do something had failed to do so.
She was quoted as saying, "We can’t be complaining about something and when there is the opportunity to do something about it and when you have the power do something, when the moment calls, you cannot then not do something...
“'For me it should have been our finest hour. We should have all come on Tuesday to do what is right for the people of TT.
"All this throwing up your hand and playing you are Caesar’s wife. You ain’t no Caesar’s wife. I think it is a shame and a disgrace that there were people who decided to endorse what this Government is doing very openly...
"Even abstention is a cop-out because it was very clear what was happening and what the Government was doing by having those amendments....
“We went there to act on behalf of the people, and we expected our colleague senators who are independent to have acted in that way. We had expected the Independent senators to act right.
"We didn’t have to ask anybody because we felt we were all there for the good of this country. We had expectations. I didn’t think we’d have to second-guess.”
Richards said under section 42C of the Constitution, it is clear that the nine members of the Independent bench of the Senate were not chosen based on allegiance to any party, but on the basis of their expertise and contribution to society.
“As Independent Senators, we are free to vote based on our conscience," he said.
"We are not aligned to any political party, we are not a bloc, but nine individuals who have been brought into the Senate to contribute to national affairs based on our expertise.
"To that end, we are protected by parliamentary privilege.
"It is a violation of this principle for a senator to inappropriately challenge or reflect on the vote of a senator and in that case, as an esteemed Independent Senator, the statements attributed to Senator John seek to undermine the integrity of the Independent Senator, lower her estimation in the general public as well as cast aspersions on her character. This damages not only the independent bench, but also serves to bring the entire Senate into odium and disrepute.”
Richards said such violation is strongly condemned and it gave him no pleasure to raise the motion of privilege against John.
“Based on the foregoing, if these purported statements and reflections are true, I submit the senator has committed a contempt by breaching her privilege as a member of this esteemed Senate. In this regard, Madam President, I refer this matter for your attention and determination.”
Senate President Christine Kangaloo reserved her decision and said she would deliver it later in the session.
"Independent Senator brings contempt motion against Jearlean John"