Angels are real
Tobagonian JH (her initials) grew up loving, caring for and respecting animals. Now, as an adult with a farm, her goats, sheep, chickens, dogs, ducks, cats, geese and rabbits benefit from the love she shows them daily.
Every morning without fail, she rises early, goes out to her animals, stands among them, and with hands slightly raised, prays on their behalf.
“I think everything comes from the Creator – from God. I don’t think the animals could thank God for their peaceful night. I am their owner, so on their behalf I lift them up in prayer. I thank God for them. I thank God for keeping them healthy:
“Our Father Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
“Father...I ask you to take these animals. They are part of your flock. I want, in Jesus’ name, that they become healthy adults, especially the lambs. Keep the mothers and lambs free of disease, The goats and kids free of disease. Keep them healthy in Jesus’ name I pray. I ask that the dogs and the sheep and goats live peacefully together, that the dogs are protective of the compound and not destructive. Angel Ariel, you are in charge of the animals. Take care of these animals in Jesus’ name I pray.”
JH has been interested in angels and communicating with them for decades.
“I ask the angels daily to be my companions. I talk to them more than once a day. I ask Angel Michael to be my protector...Angel Raphael to heal me ...Angel Uriel to cleanse me...Angel Ariel to take care of the animals...Angel Jophiel to motivate me and to do the things that are in the interest of my health and for the beautification of the house. "I speak to them every moment of the day. I just can’t help myself where they are concerned. It’s an ongoing inner dialogue between me and the angels.”
She laughs. “I’m not usually so overt about it because people might think I’m slightly touched. But touched by an angel. It’s a good thing to be touched by an angel.”
Indeed. I myself converse regularly with angels. When called upon, they come to our aid, as the following account demonstrates.e
On January 1, 2020, someone carelessly left the gate to JH’s securely fenced property open. One of her beloved dogs, Pepper, terrified of booming fireworks, bolted out and, as days passed, did not return.
Several people, including me, saw the dog across the highway from the Cove turnoff, seeking food in garbage bins. Whenever I stopped to try and tempt her into my car, she would run away. I had called JH on some of these occasions, but she was never fortunate enough to arrive in time to see her missing pet.
Even as months rolled on and sightings stopped, JH did not lose hope. She could feel that her dog was still alive, but had no idea where. She would ask the angels on a daily basis to keep Pepper safe, wherever she was.
“Please bring her back to me as suddenly as she was taken away,” she would say to them.
Nine months passed...then, three mornings ago, I got a WhatsApp text from JH: "Pepper is back!"
She had been awakened at midnight by a scratching noise. There was Pepper, scraping earnestly at her door, having inexplicably entered the secure yard. Clearly well fed, she had put on weight and was overjoyed to be home.
For the first two days she would stand on her hind legs, being extremely verbal, as though trying to tell the story of where she had been over the nine months, her adventures, who had cared for her and how she had miraculously returned home.
By the third day she had stopped trying to talk and was back to normal, running around with the other animals.
An angelic request granted.
There is a beautiful quote by Saint Francis de Sales: "Make friends with the angels, who though invisible, are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs."
Take this to heart. They are listening, waiting eagerly to help us.
"Angels are real"